In a significant operation, Shimla police have arrested two interstate drug peddlers from Uttarakhand and seized 5.53 kg of charas (cannabis) from their possession. The accused, identified as Rajmohan (34) of Sewa village and Sohan Dass (57) of Adbadi village, both from Uttarkashi district in Uttarakhand, were arrested on Wednesday near Gasango Pul.
The arrest followed a tip-off from reliable sources that the two men were traveling with contraband. Acting swiftly, a special cell team from Shimla police began patrolling the Jijendi Kainchi area and successfully apprehended the suspects.
Shimla’s Superintendent of Police, Sanjeev Kumar Gandhi, confirmed the arrest and stated that a case has been filed under Sections 21 and 29 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. The police have launched further investigations into the matter to uncover the network behind this interstate drug trafficking operation.