In a significant crackdown on the illegal narcotics trade, Sanand Police arrested Shaileshbhai Babubhai Makwana, a 31-year-old resident of Sanand Green Residency-2, for trafficking narcotic cough syrup. The arrest followed a tip-off about suspicious activities near Balaji Hotel at Sanand Shabri Char Rasta. Police identified a Maruti Swift vehicle involved in the illegal storage and sale of narcotics.
Upon investigation, officers discovered an open bag on the back seat of the vehicle containing 72 bottles of “Windlas Codeine Phosphate & Triprolidine Hydrochloride Syrup” (WINROF-T), a narcotic substance known for its intoxicating effects. The syrup, manufactured by Windlas Biotech Limited, was found to be 100 ml per bottle and valued at Rs 161 each in the market.
In addition to the seizure of narcotics, police also recovered other valuables worth Rs 3.62 lakh. Makwana has been taken into custody, while efforts continue to locate a second suspect, Janak Thakor, who remains on the run.
A case under various sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, 1985, has been registered at Sanand police station. Investigations are ongoing to trace the source of the narcotics and dismantle the entire trafficking network.