In a significant drug bust, Sambalpur police seized 122 kilograms of ganja and arrested two individuals from a scrap godown in the Kuluthkani area under Dhanupali police station limits on Monday. The arrested suspects were identified as Sameer Mahanandia (28) and Somnath Das (35).
According to Sub-divisional Police Officer Tophan Bag, the operation was carried out on Sunday afternoon at approximately 3:45 pm, after receiving a reliable tip-off. Police raided the scrap godown, where they apprehended the two accused. Upon searching the premises, officials recovered five plastic gunny bags filled with dry, unprocessed ganja.
When questioned, the accused failed to provide satisfactory explanations for possessing the ganja, leading to their arrest. In addition to the drug haul, police also seized three mini-trucks, which the suspects had planned to use for transporting the ganja. The total weight of the ganja in the five bags amounted to 122 kilograms and 760 grams.