The Odhav police have arrested Sachin alias Lakhan Chhara , a notorious chain snatcher, who had been involved in several chain-snatching incidents across Ahmedabad, Gandhi Nagar ,Rajkot since 2017. Chhara, aged 36, was caught on December 9, after snatching a gold chain from a woman on her way back from a temple. His arrest has led to the resolution of eight chain-snatching cases across the region.
The Odhav police had been tracking a tip-off about a man heading from Viratnagar towards **MaManmohan crossroadson a bibike without a number plate, reportedly attempting to sell stolen gold jewellery. Acting swiftly on this information, police set up a trap and stopped a bike matching the description. Upon searching the rider, they recovered stolen gold jewellery from his possession.
During interrogation, Chhara admitted to being involved in chain-snatching crimes since 2017. He disclosed that there were four previously registered cases against him in Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar , andRajkot .F
Chhara’s arrest marks a significant breakthrough in the ongoing fight against chain-snatching crimes in the region. The police are continuing to investigate whether Chhara was part of a larger network of criminals targeting unsuspecting victims.