In a significant breakthrough, the Sirsa Cyber Police have arrested Roop Singh from Abohar, Punjab, for his involvement in a Rs30 lakh investment scam that was executed via the Telegram app. The police arrested Singh on Monday night, adding him to a growing list of individuals involved in this widespread fraud.
The case traces back to January 2023, when Amardeep Singh, a resident of HUDA Sector, was added to a Telegram group by the scammers. The group promised high profits in exchange for completing various fake tasks, luring him to invest significant amounts of money. After transferring Rs30 lakh, Singh realized he had been deceived and filed a complaint with the police.
To date, the Sirsa Cyber Police have arrested eight individuals connected to the scheme, and the latest arrest, Roop Singh, is accused of defrauding Rs9.5 lakh. He was presented in court and remanded to judicial custody.
Sirsa’s Superintendent of Police, Vikrant Bhushan, emphasized that the investigation is ongoing and assured the public that anyone found involved in the scam would face strict legal action.