In a significant crackdown, police in Srinagar have dismantled a large inter-state drug trafficking network, resulting in the arrest of two major drug suppliers—Raju Gupta from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, and Mohammad Abrar from Bhajanpura, Delhi.
The investigation revealed that Gupta and Abrar were central to the narcotics distribution in the region. Bank transactions and communication logs pointed to their involvement in supplying drugs to local peddlers.
The Srinagar police, with assistance from local law enforcement in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi, conducted a thorough 10-day operation targeting the suspects. Raju Gupta was apprehended on January 23 in Bareilly, while Mohammad Abrar was arrested a day later, on January 24, in Bhajanpura. Both suspects have been presented in court, and their transit remands were granted.
Additionally, a suspicious courier linked to the accused has been traced in Loni, Ghaziabad. Authorities are working to seize the parcel with court approval. The police are also investigating the financial transactions and properties linked to the suspects, as part of the ongoing effort to enforce the NDPS Act.