The Special Operations Team (SOT) of Rachakonda arrested two individuals on Thursday for their involvement in heroin trafficking. The duo, identified as Mahesh and Mahipal, both natives of Rajasthan, were caught with 190 grams of heroin in their possession. In addition, police recovered valuables worth Rs23 lakh from the accused.
According to Rachakonda Police Commissioner Sudheer Babu, Mahesh, a resident of Sainik Nagar in Neredmet, established contact with Samsuddin, who supplied him with heroin worth Rs1 lakh. The payment for the drugs was made through an e-wallet. Mahesh then traveled to Hyderabad by train and stayed with his friend Mahipal in Sainik Nagar. The two men planned to distribute the drugs locally.
Using transport aggregators, the duo packed and delivered the contraband to customers. Police have identified several consumers involved in the drug network and are working to trace more individuals linked to the operation.
Authorities continue to investigate the trafficking ring and the broader drug distribution network that the accused were a part of.