In a significant breakthrough, the Cyber Crime Police Station’s special team has arrested Vinay, a key suspect involved in an online fraud case, where a Santnagar resident, Lovepreet Singh, was duped of Rs22.9 lakh. The fraud was carried out through the Telegram application, where the victim was promised substantial profits from stock market investments.
Vinay, a resident of Panipat, was apprehended by police in the Samalkha area of Panipat. During the arrest, authorities recovered Rs25,000 of the defrauded money and a mobile phone used in the crime.
According to Superintendent of Police Vikrant Bhushan, the case was registered on December 16 after the victim filed a formal complaint. The Cyber Crime team worked tirelessly to track down the suspect, gathering key leads that eventually led to his arrest.
The investigation is ongoing, and the police have assured that further legal action will be taken against anyone else involved in the scam. The arrested suspect has been presented in court and sent to judicial custody.