Shimla Police arrested Karan Bahadur, a 37-year-old Nepalese man, for allegedly murdering his fellow laborer, Arjun Bahadur, in the Kumarsain area of Shimla district. The two men had been working together at an apple orchard in Ghumana village and were residing in the same makeshift house.
The incident occurred on Wednesday, when Karan Bahadur attacked Arjun with an unknown object, causing fatal injuries. The orchard owner, Dev Raj, discovered the body the following morning. Upon receiving the report, the police immediately launched an investigation.
The body was recovered, and Karan Bahadur was arrested. A case under Section 103 of the BNS has been filed against the accused, and further investigation is underway. The postmortem of the deceased will take place at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital (IGMC) on Thursday.