The Mangaluru CCB on Friday arrested Shamee P K, a 42-year-old man from Kozhikode, Kerala, for allegedly supplying hydro ganja from Goa to Mangaluru and Kerala. The police seized 738 grams of hydro ganja, valued at Rs73 lakh, along with other items including the car used for transportation and a mobile phone.
Commissioner of Police Anupam Agrawal confirmed that the arrest was part of an ongoing initiative by the CCB to make Mangaluru drugs-free. Acting on a tip-off, police intercepted a car near Bappanadu on the National Highway and recovered the narcotics.
Preliminary investigations suggest that the hydro ganja was brought from abroad, and the total value of the confiscated items, including the narcotics, car, and phone, is estimated to be Rs80.10 lakh.
A case has been registered at the Mulki police station. The operation was conducted under the supervision of Deputy Commissioners of Police Siddharth Goyal and K Ravishankar, and led by CCB unit ACP Manoj Kumar Naik, along with Police Inspectors Shyam Sundar HM and PSI Sharanappa Bhandari. The investigation into the distribution and transportation of narcotics is ongoing.