In a major breakthrough, Delhi Police have successfully apprehended Krishanu Goswami, a man wanted in a Rs 2.90 crore gold misappropriation case. The accused, Krishanu Goswami (45), had been on the run since 2023 after allegedly misappropriating 4,732.54 grams of gold while working as the store manager of a gold showroom.
The incident came to light when Raj Kumar, the owner of the showroom, filed a complaint, prompting an FIR to be registered at CR Park Police Station. Goswami was later declared a proclaimed offender by a local court in May 2024, and a Rs 50,000 bounty was announced for his capture.
Following a 1,500 km chase that spanned across multiple states, Goswami was tracked down to his hometown in Nadia, West Bengal, based on a tip-off. A dedicated police team, including officers from Delhi Police, successfully arrested him on January 27.
During interrogation, Goswami confessed to the crime, admitting that he had stolen the gold while managing the showroom. He had been evading arrest by frequently changing his location, but his apprehension marks a significant victory for the police.
Authorities are continuing the investigation to uncover more details about how Goswami carried out the misappropriation and whether there are any other accomplices involved.