Kishore Bodke, a key accused in the 2014 murder of Dr. Amrut Prajapati, has been arrested by the Rajkot Crime Branch after evading capture for 10 years. Bodke, a resident of Ahmedabad, was hiding in an Asaram ashram in Karnataka’s Kalaburgi district, working as a servant.
Dr. Prajapati, a former follower of Asaram and a vital witness in the Asaram case, was shot on May 23, 2014, while treating patients at Shanti Ayurvedic Hospital in Rajkot. Despite severe injuries, he identified Asaram’s followers as the perpetrators before succumbing to his wounds 20 days later. His death led to an investigation, initially handled by the B-Division police station, and later transferred to the CID Crime Branch.
While three of the accused have been arrested, Bodke had been absconding until the Crime Branch team, led by PSI A N Parmar, traced him to an Asaram ashram in Kalaburgi. After receiving specific information, the team, in coordination with local authorities, apprehended Bodke and brought him to Rajkot for further investigation.