HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, HERTFORDSHIRE — Jason Higgins, 38, has been sentenced to 17 years in prison after being found guilty of controlling and coercive behavior, two counts of rape, and one count of assault. The sentence was handed down by Judge Bal Dhaliwal-Thomas at Huntingdon Crown Court in October. The judge described Higgins as “dangerous” and imposed an extended sentence alongside a 20-year restraining order preventing him from contacting his victim.
Hertfordshire Police reported that Higgins manipulated and controlled his former partner, dictating what she wore, how she interacted with others, and demanding constant availability through phone calls. The victim was subjected to severe abuse, including an incident on April 6, when Higgins threw her to the ground and kicked her while she was asleep.
When the victim attempted to end the relationship, Higgins bombarded her with threatening calls and messages, demanding she turn her location services back on and threatening harm to both her and himself.
In delivering the sentence, the judge highlighted the extent of Higgins’ control, noting how he monitored the victim’s every move, even setting up a camera to watch her at night. Det Con Sue Holmes added that while the victim is relieved Higgins is behind bars, the emotional and psychological scars from his actions will remain with her for life.