The Jammu and Kashmir Police have arrested Janatul Begum, a woman from Bihar, for allegedly stealing gold jewellery from a family in the outskirts of Srinagar. Janatul, who had been working as a maid for several years, was apprehended after a thorough investigation.
According to a police spokesperson, the incident came to light when the daughter of Peerzada Akhzar Hussain from Umerabad filed a complaint. She reported that unknown thieves had broken into their home during the night of January 15 and 16, stealing gold jewellery while her parents were in Saudi Arabia for Umrah.
During their investigation, the police questioned several suspects and soon focused on Janatul Begum, the maid working at the family’s house. Further inquiry confirmed her involvement in the crime. Janatul Begum, the wife of Mohd Chotu from Ward No. 7 Kusthan, Madhepur, Bihar, who currently resides in HMT, Srinagar, was arrested for the theft.
The police are continuing their investigation into the case.