The Jammu and Kashmir Police are facing embarrassment after two of its own officers were arrested within a week on charges of drug peddling.
On Wednesday, a constable identified as Mohammad Mukhtiyar, a resident of Beli Charana in Jammu, was arrested for selling drugs inside the premises of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) in Jammu. Acting on reliable intelligence, a team from the GMCH police post, along with an executive magistrate, conducted a search and recovered 15 grams of heroin and ₹9,000 in cash from Mukhtiyar. He was posted in the Armed Police 12th Battalion in Srinagar’s Zewan area and has been immediately suspended.
According to the police, Mukhtiyar is part of a drug syndicate operating in Jammu, selling drugs to local youth for profit and contributing to fatal drug overdoses in the region.
Interestingly, another constable, Perwaiz Iqbal, was arrested on November 7 for drug peddling along with his two wives. Iqbal, a resident of Janipur in Jammu and posted in the Crime Branch Jammu, was found in possession of 33 grams of heroin at the time of his arrest.