The Jalandhar Commissionerate Police conducted a special operation near the T-Point Sangal Sohal Road Leather Complex, resulting in the arrest of two individuals involved in drug smuggling. The police recovered a total of 50 grams of heroin during the operation.
Under the leadership of Commissioner of Police Swapan Sharma, the operation led to the arrest of Balbir Singh, alias Bira, from Kot Mohammad Khan, Moga, and Shakuntala Devi from Ammiwala, Moga. Both suspects attempted to evade arrest by discarding polyethene envelopes containing heroin. The police seized 25 grams of heroin from each of the discarded envelopes.
An FIR under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act was filed at Police Station Basti Bawa Khel following the arrests, and further investigations are underway.