In a significant operation, the Itanagar Police have successfully dismantled a gang of professional thieves responsible for a series of high-profile thefts in the Itanagar Capital Region. The arrests followed a month-long investigation led by Inspector K. Yangfo, Officer-in-Charge of PS Itanagar, and a dedicated team of officers, including SI RK Jha, SI Padam Padi, SI Tana Suraj, and SI Samuel Ngupok, with guidance from SDPO Kengo Dirchi and SP Rohit Rajbir Singh, IPS.
The gang had been operating for several months, executing thefts by using distraction tactics. On December 11, 2024, a complaint was filed about a theft of Rs 3,00,000 from a car parked outside the SBI Itanagar branch. The thieves used fake currency notes to distract the victim before seizing a cash bag. Other similar thefts, including one on December 9 and another in October, also involved stolen amounts, including Rs 1,50,000 from an ATM engineer.
Using technical surveillance and local intelligence, the police tracked the suspects, who had operated in Itanagar before escaping to other states like West Bengal. On January 3, 2025, officers arrested two suspects, Chandan Gowala (57) and Rakesh (47), near SBI Itanagar. A third suspect, Deepak Sharma (57), was later apprehended at Harmutty Railway Station.
The gang focused on banks and parking areas, where they monitored individuals carrying large sums of cash. They used tactics like scattering fake currency notes or spitting on victims to create confusion and steal cash. The suspects’ temporary stay in Arunachal Pradesh helped them evade suspicion.
SP Rohit Rajbir Singh (IPS) commended the police team for their swift action in solving the cases and urged the public to stay vigilant, avoid leaving large sums of cash in vehicles, and report any suspicious activities near banks.