Hyderabad Police apprehended four individuals, including a college student, on Wednesday for allegedly possessing OG weed (a strain of ganja) and hash oil in two separate operations. The cumulative seizure amounted to 144.72 grams of organic ganja and 2 kg of hash oil, valued at an estimated Rs28 lakh.
The first bust occurred on Monday in Habeeb Nagar limits, where police found Syed Abdullah (32), Anas Ahmed Shaikh (24), and Irfan Raju Shaikh (20) in possession of the organic ganja.
The police revealed that Irfan and Anas are from Maharashtra and worked for Farhan, the main peddler in Maharashtra. Syed, a resident of Hyderabad, was reportedly addicted to ganja and would purchase it from the Dhoolpet area.
According to authorities, Syed approached his family friend Anas, with plans to purchase ganja and sell it at inflated prices in Hyderabad. The trio was caught when Anas and Irfan arrived in Hyderabad to deliver the drugs.
The police are continuing their investigation into the interstate drug trade.