Hudkeshwar police in Nagpur have successfully apprehended Sahil Latif Pathan (24) and detained a minor in connection with a series of four thefts that occurred over the past 15 days. Pathan, a resident of Ashirwad Nagar, was caught with stolen valuables worth Rs3.62 lakh.
Initially, Pathan, who worked for a scrap dealer, stole steel from under-construction sites. However, in recent weeks, he and the minor shifted their focus to house burglaries, targeting homes in the Hudkeshwar area. In one such incident, the duo broke into the residence of Uday Deshmukh in Prerna Nagar, located on New Narsala Road, where they stole gold ornaments and cash valued at Rs1.05 lakh.
Following a tip-off, the police tracked down the suspects, who later admitted to committing four house-breaking thefts in and around the Hudkeshwar area. The police recovered the stolen items during their investigation.
The operation was led by DCP Zone IV Rashmita Rao, under the supervision of Sr. PI Dhnyaneshwar Bhedodkar, PI Nageshkumar Chatarkar, and API Omprakash Bhalavi, along with a team of officers, including Gopal Deshmukh, Sandip Patil, and Santosh Sontakke.
This arrest highlights the ongoing efforts of the Hudkeshwar police to combat property crime in the area and underscores the importance of community tips in aiding law enforcement.