On Tuesday, the Kasabapet police in Hubballi dismantled a drug trafficking ring operated by Rajasthan-based peddlers, arresting five individuals near Gabbur Cross. The arrested men, identified as Shravankumar Bisnoi (33), Omprakash Kupasiya (24), Jagatram Patel (22), Hemaraj Bisnoi (41), and Dhanram Patel (34), are all from Rajasthan and had been working in garment and fancy stores across Shivamogga, Sirsi, Kumata, and Hubballi.
The police seized 150 grams of opium and 3 kilograms of opium powder from the accused during the operation. Police Commissioner N Shashikumar stated that the suspects had been sourcing opium from Rajasthan and Gujarat and were specifically targeting Rajasthani students living in the region, selling them the drugs.
According to Shashikumar, transporting drugs has become easier, with peddlers disguising the contraband as business goods or even medical supplies. The drugs were often sent via bus parcel alongside garments. Further investigations will be conducted to uncover additional details and trace any other individuals involved in the network.