After a five-month manhunt, the Batala city police have successfully arrested Heera Lal, a key suspect involved in the murder of Yudhbir Singh, also known as Jodha. The arrest was made in Jhariawal, falling under the Civil Lines police station in Batala.
The murder occurred on July 23, 2024, when Yudhbir Singh, a young man from Gandhi Nagar, Batala, was shot dead in broad daylight. Alam Vijay Singh, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) for Law and Order, confirmed that Heera Lal was one of the main suspects in the crime, who had been on the run since the incident.
Heera Lal is the father of Amanpreet Singh, also known as Anda, a notorious gangster with multiple criminal cases. Amanpreet Singh, who is also implicated in the murder, managed to flee the country using fake documents and is believed to have escaped to Germany.
The DCP stated that Heera Lal would now be handed over to the Batala police for further investigation. The arrest marks a significant development in the ongoing investigation into the daylight murder that shocked the local community.