In Gujarat, over 50 youths have reportedly been defrauded in a scam where they were promised government jobs through fake appointment letters. The Ahmedabad Crime Branch is actively investigating the case, which has already led to the arrest of four individuals. The accused lured victims by offering positions in various government departments, demanding payments ranging from Rs1 crore to Rs1.25 crore per job.
The scam began when victims were introduced to Jaldeep Tailor, the main accused, through a network of contacts. Tailor, claiming to have connections with high-ranking government officials and the Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC), convinced victims that they could secure government jobs by paying a hefty sum. Yogesh Patel, one of the victims, was promised a Deputy Collector position after paying Rs5 lakh, followed by additional demands totaling Rs1.19 crore, supported by fake appointment letters signed by the GPSC Secretary.
Other victims were similarly duped, including Patel’s business partner Vijaybhai Thakkar, who lost Rs1.20 crore for a position, Ankit Patel who paid Rs5 lakh for a GMDC job, and Atul Patel who was scammed of Rs22 lakh for a Joint Director role.
The Crime Branch’s investigation has revealed around 50 files related to fake job appointments, found at offices in Vatva, Madhupura, Maninagar, and Mirzapur. The authorities have requested a 10-day remand to further explore the scale of the fraud and identify more victims.
So far, the arrested individuals—Jaldeep Tailor, Hitesh Saini, Jitendra Prajapati, and Ankit Pandya—are facing charges of duping people under the false promise of government job placements, having extracted Rs3.45 crore from the victims.