The Navi Mumbai police have successfully arrested Gautam Nirman Gaud, a wanted criminal involved in multiple homicides in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. Gaud had been evading arrest for over two years after committing two homicides in Jhanga, Gorakhpur district.
The Uttar Pradesh police had announced a bounty of ₹50,000 for information regarding Gaud’s whereabouts. He managed to stay undetected until the Gorakhpur police informed the Panvel police on Wednesday that Gaud had been residing in Badlapur, leading to a swift investigation by the Navi Mumbai police. They confirmed his location and cleared up any involvement in local crimes.
After confirming his location, the police arrested Gaud at his residence in Badlapur. He confessed to fleeing his village after the homicides and living there with his wife, working as a daily wage laborer.
Following his arrest, Gaud was produced in court and transferred to Taloja Jail. A police team from Uttar Pradesh arrived to secure a transit remand and transport him back to Gorakhpur for the homicide charges.
This arrest marks another success for the law enforcement agencies in their relentless pursuit of criminals, even after years of evasion.