The Gangolli police quickly apprehended a couple within seven hours of a gold jewellery theft reported at a house near Trasi Beach in Kundapur taluk. The accused, Vinayak (41) and his wife Pramila (30), are residents of Gujjadi in Kundapur and relatives of the complainant, Uday Poojari.
The theft occurred recently between 10:15 am and 11:30 am at Poojari’s residence. The stolen items included a 16-gram gold necklace, a 16-gram gold bangle, and three gold rings weighing 3 grams, with a total value of Rs 2 lakh.
The case was filed under Section 305 of the BNS at the Gangolli Police Station, and the police acted swiftly to track down the couple. Both Vinayak and Pramila were arrested, bringing the investigation to a close within hours.