The Anti-Auto Theft Squad (AATS) in Delhi’s Dwarka arrested a fugitive involved in a kidnapping and murder case. The suspect, identified as Vicky Kumar alias Rituraj, is a resident of Muzaffarpur district, Bihar. Kumar, along with his brother-in-law Varun, had kidnapped a young man named Sachin for ransom. When the ransom demand was not met, they brutally murdered Sachin and disposed of his body to prevent his identification.
A case was registered at the Baba Haridas Nagar police station in connection with the crime. According to DCP Ankit Singh, Kumar had been declared a fugitive by a Dwarka court. After committing the crime, he initially hid in Bihar under a false identity to evade trial.
The breakthrough came when police received intelligence that Kumar had arrived in Delhi to celebrate New Year’s Eve. A trap was laid, and information suggested that Kumar was staying at a friend’s house in the Burari area. The police, led by ACP Ram Avtar and Inspector Kamlesh Kumar of the AATS, conducted a door-to-door search in Burari, employing both technical and manual surveillance.
The fugitive was apprehended in a raid, marking the end of his months-long escape. The operation was hailed as a success, and Kumar was taken into custody.