Patrick Hemingway, a former Glastonbury Police Officer, has been arrested for the 20th time following his involvement in a 2023 burglary spree in North Canaan. The arrest took place earlier this week by State Police troopers from Troop B, who were investigating crimes that occurred on April 29 and March 14, 2023.
Hemingway, who has previously been arrested on similar charges in over 13 communities, is facing three counts of third-degree burglary and one count of third-degree larceny. The charges involve the theft of property and services valued at over $2,000.
Hemingway, who has a lengthy criminal history, is currently in custody, with his bond set at $10,000. He has already been arraigned on the latest charges and is scheduled to return to Torrington Superior Court on March 14. In addition, his upcoming court appearance for previous charges is set for February 4 at Rockville Superior Court.