On Thursday, the Jolarpet railway police in Tirupattur arrested five individuals in connection with the murder of a 16-year-old teenager, J. Narasimhan. The crime reportedly stemmed from a dispute over a stolen two-wheeler.
The arrested suspects have been identified as K. Praveen (26), S. Ashok (24), S. Srinivasan (24), B. Siva (19), and S. Satya (22), all of whom are residents of Vaniyambadi town. According to the police, Narasimhan had been friends with the accused and had attended school together before dropping out.
Since leaving school, the group had been involved in petty crimes, primarily focused on stealing two-wheelers from public spaces. Initial investigations revealed that the dispute over a stolen bike eventually escalated into violence, leading to the tragic death of the teenager.
The police continue their investigation into the incident, and the five arrested individuals are currently in custody.