In a major drug bust, Delhi Police apprehended two men from Rajasthan and seized a significant quantity of cannabis weighing 21.6 kilograms, valued at Rs 21.5 lakh, on Thursday. The arrests took place on December 23 in the Vihar Mohan Garden district of Delhi, after a police patrol noticed a suspicious vehicle parked near a junkyard. Upon inspection, the police discovered the cannabis hidden inside the car.
The arrested individuals were identified as Kamal Singh (33) and Ashok Kumar (26), both residents of Alwar, Rajasthan. Kamal has a notorious criminal record with 25 charges to his name, including drug-related offenses, arms possession, and attempted murder. Ashok Kumar has three prior offenses related to robbery and theft. Both are known drug peddlers who have been operating across several states, including Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.
The police have initiated further investigations into the duo’s extensive network.