Sheikh Shahnawaz, also known as Sohail and Bura, a 23-year-old man from Jahangirpuri, was arrested by Delhi Police on Thursday after being found in possession of heroin worth Rs2.5 crore. Shahnawaz, who has been involved in over a dozen criminal cases, including robbery, theft, and violations of the Arms Act, was apprehended on Wednesday based on specific intelligence inputs.
The police set up a trap at Sirka Chowk in J.J. Colony, Bawana, and apprehended Shahnawaz with a bag containing 402 grams of heroin, a commercial quantity. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Outer North) Nidhi Valsan confirmed the recovery and stated that a case has been registered at the Narela Industrial Area police station. Shahnawaz was placed under arrest and is currently being interrogated.
During questioning, Shahnawaz revealed his prior arrests for various criminal activities, including robbery and theft. Further investigations are ongoing to uncover additional details regarding his involvement in the drug trade and other illicit activities. This arrest comes on the heels of another major drug bust last month, where two individuals were arrested in connection with a ₹13,000-crore drug seizure.