Bhanwarkuan police have arrested a grain businessman, Ashish Jain, and his wife for defrauding a person of Rs1.10 crore in a property deal. The couple allegedly concealed the fact that the property they were selling was mortgaged to a bank and was also involved in an ongoing legal dispute.
The complainant, Purushottam Madanlal, filed a report stating that he had entered into an agreement with Ashish Jain and his wife to buy their property for Rs2.40 crore. Madanlal had already paidRs1.10 crore in installments. However, the couple failed to transfer the property registry in his name, as they had hidden the mortgage and legal dispute related to the property.
Following the complaint, the police registered a case of fraud and arrested the couple. The investigation is ongoing to gather more information about the fraudulent property deal.