A 26-year-old man from Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, Anwar Aalam, has been arrested for allegedly impersonating a candidate during the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) held at the iON Digital Zone in Ramtekadi. Authorities are investigating if Aalam has committed similar fraudulent acts in previous exams, deceiving the National Board of Examination (NBE) and TCS iON.
Aalam, charged under Sections 318(4) and 319(2) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, was presented before the court after his arrest. The Wanowrie police requested a three-day custody, citing the severity of the crime and the need for further investigation, as they suspect possible accomplices. The court granted a two-day remand.
The FMGE, a licensure test required for Indian citizens and overseas citizens of India (OCIs) with foreign medical degrees, ensures that candidates possess the necessary medical knowledge for practice in India. Conducted twice a year by the NBE, the latest FMGE took place on January 12, lasting five hours.
Aalam allegedly impersonated Saurabh Shrivastava, another candidate scheduled for the exam. His fraudulent actions were noticed by TCS iON officials, who reported the discrepancy to the police. Vishal Bhosale, a commanding officer at TCS iON, filed an FIR against Aalam.
Despite initial suspicions during the first paper of the FMGE, the candidate was allowed to proceed with the exam. However, when the second paper was scheduled, NBE officials confirmed that the individual was an imposter. Aalam admitted to the crime during questioning. The police are now investigating whether he has engaged in similar fraudulent activities and examining Shrivastava’s potential involvement.