On Saturday, Mangaluru’s anti-drug team arrested a man, Mohammed Alfaz, also known as Alfa Pablo, and seized 53 grams of MDMA from his possession. The arrest occurred in Indabettu, Belthangady. Police Commissioner Anupam Agrawal confirmed that the 24-year-old Alfaz, involved in drug distribution, was caught with the illegal substances, along with a car, two mobile phones, and cannabis. The total value of the seized property was Rs 7,76,980.
Alfaz was reportedly supplying MDMA to other middlemen, including three youths arrested earlier for possessing 50 grams of MDMA near Pajeer, on the outskirts of Mangaluru. In two separate operations, the police successfully seized a combined total of 103 grams of MDMA and properties worth Rs 15.52 lakh.