An arrest warrant has been issued for Anil Kumar Pokharel, a prominent member of the CPN-UML and former personal secretary to Rishikesh Pokharel, the chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee in Nepal’s House of Representatives. The Morang District Court authorized the warrant on January 5, 2025, following allegations of fraud.
Pokharel is accused of promising to secure an MBBS admission for Bauwalal Chaudhary in exchange for Rs3.88 million. When the promise remained unfulfilled, Anil allegedly coerced Chaudhary into signing a loan agreement for Rs5 million under threat. These actions are believed to have occurred between 2014 and 2016.
Hem Bahadur Budhathoki, the information officer at the Morang District Court, confirmed the arrest warrant in connection with the fraud case. Despite the seriousness of the allegations, the Morang District Police Office and Rangeli Area Police initially declined to register the complaint. Reports suggest Pokharel used his political influence to prevent legal action from being taken against him.
Anil Kumar Pokharel is a member of the Morang District Committee of the CPN-UML and was nominated as a provincial assembly candidate in the 2022 elections. Following the public exposure of the fraud charges, Rishikesh Pokharel dismissed Anil from his role as personal secretary to the chair of the Public Accounts Committee.
The case has sparked significant attention, as it highlights concerns over political figures using their influence to avoid legal accountability. Pokharel is now facing multiple legal proceedings as authorities continue to investigate the fraud case.