In a significant development, the Ahmedabad Crime Branch arrested the two remaining suspects, Yuvraj Chunara (23), also known as Billo Chunara, and Vishal Chunara (26), in the Kagdapith murder case on Tuesday. The duo had been staying at a relative’s house and were apprehended in the early hours while preparing to leave.
The attack, which occurred near a tea stall, was driven by enmity resulting from a prior complaint filed by Alpesh Thakor against Jignesh Sharma over a personal dispute. According to the police, Jignesh Sharma and his associates, including the Chunara duo and a minor, attacked Alpesh and his cousin Mahesh Thakor. The confrontation escalated into a violent assault with weapons.
The police suspect that the assault was an act of retaliation linked to Alpesh Thakor’s complaint, which was filed two days before the attack. ACP Yuvrajsinh Gohil stated that the attack appeared to be premeditated, and further investigations suggest ties to bootlegging activities, as Jignesh Sharma and his associates have several prohibition-related cases against them.
The incident sparked protests in the area, with residents and the victim’s family demanding stricter actions against the alleged bootleggers. On Monday, hundreds of protestors gathered outside the Kagdapith police station, accusing the police of negligence in handling the initial complaint. As a result, Ahmedabad Commissioner of Police (CP) G S Malik ordered the suspension of Inspector S A Patel for failing to act promptly on Alpesh Thakor’s earlier complaint.