Aarav Hanoi, the man accused of killing Assam vlogger Maya Gogoi, has been arrested by Bengaluru police outside Karnataka. The 22-year-old suspect, originally from Kerala, allegedly stabbed Maya Gogoi to death at a service apartment in Bengaluru’s Indiranagar locality.
Following the brutal murder, Hanoi remained with the body for an entire day before fleeing the scene. He later turned off his mobile phone and traveled to Majestic railway station in an attempt to avoid detection. Police believed that Hanoi might have escaped to Kerala.
A murder case was registered, and two special teams, led by Indiranagar Police Station Inspector Sudarshan, were formed to capture Hanoi. Authorities revealed that the couple had been in a relationship for six months and had spent two days together in the service apartment before the crime.
According to police, the murder appeared to be premeditated. Hanoi allegedly brought an old knife to the apartment and ordered a nylon string online before the killing. Maya Gogoi had texted her sister before the tragedy, stating that she would not be returning home due to an office party.
The police have confirmed that the post-mortem examination of Gogoi’s body has been completed. Further investigations into the case are ongoing.