On January 22, the Hyderabad Police arrested two individuals involved in a theft case, recovering stolen jewellery and gadgets worth Rs4,60,000. The accused have been identified as Gajen, 21, a resident of Hyderabad and a native of Andhra Pradesh, and Chithari Bharath, 21, a resident of Old Bowenpally.
The police seized a variety of stolen items, including silver ornaments, two Titan watches, one Prorogue watch, a Cannon camera, and several other gadgets. The two men were arrested under Section 303 (2) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanahita (BNS).
Authorities revealed that Gajen had previously been involved in thefts under the jurisdiction of Jeedimetla Police, while Bharath had a criminal history with three cases of theft registered against him under the Bowenpally, Alwal, and Begumpet police stations.
The accused are currently in custody, and further investigations are underway to trace any other victims of their criminal activities.