In a significant breakthrough, Panki Police in Palamu have successfully solved a dacoity case that occurred in the house of Krishna Soni, a jeweler from village Gajbore, under the Panki police station limits on the night of October 23-24. The accused had allegedly stolen jewelry worth Rs20 lakh, but Krishna Soni failed to provide tangible evidence to prove the value of the stolen items.
The case was cracked under the leadership of SP Reeshma Ramesan, who addressed the media with her team, including SDPO Lesliganj Manoj Kumar Jha, Circle Inspector Poonam Toppo, and OC Panki Police Station Rajesh Ranjan. During the press briefing, four accused were presented before the media, having been remanded to judicial custody.
Among the arrested individuals was S K Verma, a jeweler from Sukhdev Nagar, Ranchi, who had purchased the stolen gold and silver. The Panki police successfully recovered several items, including melted gold, a gold ring, two pairs of silver payals, and one old silver payal.
SP Reeshma Ramesan emphasized the challenge of recovering stolen gold and silver, noting that criminals often melt the precious metals to avoid detection. The recovery of these items was a significant achievement for the Panki Police.
Although Krishna Soni did not appear dissatisfied with the recovery, police assured that all recovered items would be restored to him after the completion of the legal proceedings.
The dacoity was committed by six individuals, three of whom were arrested earlier this month in connection with various crimes. One of these criminals is currently imprisoned in Latehar Jail. The confessions of the three arrested individuals led to the identification and capture of the remaining suspects, including the Ranchi jeweler.
Among the arrested criminals, Satish has a record of seven criminal cases across three districts (Ranchi, Latehar, and Panki), while Chhotu has been linked to six cases across Latehar and Palamu districts. Upender Kumar, the third arrested criminal, does not have a criminal background.
In addition to the stolen jewelry, the police recovered a huge hexa cutter, which was likely used by the criminals to break locks during the robbery. The sophisticated methods of the dacoits suggest they were experienced professionals.
The case remains under investigation, and the six criminals are now behind bars, with Soni’s stolen gold and silver set to be returned after the necessary court procedures.