Luis Najera Mendoza, a 23-year-old man from Belleville, has been arrested in connection with a series of truck burglaries in Secaucus, New Jersey. The arrest follows a months-long investigation conducted by Secaucus police detectives.
Mendoza is accused of burglarizing six trucks that were parked in a fenced-in lot on Henry Street during the overnight hours of October 29, 2024. The stolen items, including EZ Pass transponders and portable radios, were valued at approximately $3,000.
Following a consensual search of Mendoza’s residence and vehicle, Secaucus police recovered some of the stolen property. Police Chief Dennis Miller praised the investigative efforts of his team, emphasizing the importance of their work in ensuring the safety and security of the community. “What these detectives do on a daily basis truly makes a difference to the quality of life in this town,” he said.
Mendoza has been formally charged with two counts of burglary and theft of moveable property. He remains in custody pending further legal proceedings.