In a significant breakthrough, the Women’s Safety Wing Police of Hyderabad arrested Manda Venkata Kamesh (30) from West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, on Monday for his involvement in a series of fraudulent activities related to matrimony websites.
Kamesh, who had multiple cheating cases registered against him, reportedly created fake accounts on matrimony platforms. He manipulated potential suitors and extorted large sums of money from families, promising to arrange marriages. Under the guise of matrimony, Kamesh convinced families to transfer money for wedding-related expenses.
The accused faces charges across multiple police stations, including WPS East Zone, Chilkalguda, Madhapur, and Abids in Hyderabad, as well as Pattabhipuram Police Station in Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh. The arrest comes after a non-bailable warrant was issued against him.