The Ranchi police have arrested three individuals in connection with the murder of Tummalla Gangadhar, a manager at Madhucom company, whose body was discovered in a well in the Tamar police station area of Ranchi district. The arrest was made on Sunday by Ranchi SP (Rural) Sumit Agrawal, who confirmed that the accused had killed Gangadhar for money.
The arrested suspects are identified as Vivek Singh Munda, Vijay Lohra, and Sachin Munda. According to the police, Gangadhar, a native of Andhra Pradesh, had been living in Jharkhand for the past five years due to his job at Madhucom. The accused, in an apparent attempt to rob him, murdered Gangadhar and then discarded his body in a well.
The investigation is ongoing as authorities work to uncover more details about the motive and the events leading to the tragic death of Gangadhar.