Lucknow resident Amit Kashyap (31) was arrested by the Narcotic Control Bureau (NCB) on Sunday for his involvement in a drug peddling operation. Kashyap allegedly transferred money through his personal payments app to a courier company to facilitate the shipment of 9,900 Tramadol tablets, weighing a total of 3.5 kg.
The NCB was investigating a drug trafficking case when they tracked the large sum of money transferred by Kashyap to Dropic Logistic. During their inquiry, it was revealed that Kashyap had acted on the instructions of Samad Pathan, a suspected member of the drug syndicate, who was also arrested.
The operation culminated when the NCB intercepted a parcel at a courier service center in Andheri, which contained the Tramadol tablets. Tramadol, a narcotic painkiller, is classified as a controlled substance due to its potential for abuse and addiction. It is covered under the NDPS Act.
This arrest is part of the ongoing crackdown on drug syndicates operating across the country. The investigation is ongoing, and more details are expected to emerge.