Old Goa Police have successfully apprehended Kashibai Nayak, a 34-year-old maid from Devara Hippargi, Karnataka, for her involvement in a theft case. The police recovered stolen gold items worth Rs5 lakh, including six gold bangles, one gold ring, and a gold necklace.
The theft was reported on the night of 13th November 2024, when the complainant, a resident of Old Goa, discovered the gold items were missing. The investigation revealed that the theft was carried out by the complainant’s maid, who had been working as a caretaker at the household.
Following the registration of the FIR under Crime No. 115/2024, two special teams were formed under the leadership of S.P. North Shri Akshat Kaushal, IPS, and sent to Karnataka. The teams successfully tracked down the suspect in Khanapur, Karnataka, where she was arrested the same day.
Further investigation is ongoing as the police continue to probe the circumstances surrounding the theft.