Three individuals were arrested in Delhi after 46.5 kg of Ganja, valued at over Rs5 lakh, was seized from them within the past 24 hours. The narcotics were found during an operation by the police patrol in Sector 58, based on suspicions of drug peddling.
The accused were identified as Wasim, a resident of Kosikalan village in Mathura district, Uttar Pradesh, Babli Kaur from Nangloi, and Asha Kaur from Tilak Vihar, both in Delhi. They were found in possession of the narcotics, which were packed in three plastic bags.
A case has been registered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, and further investigations are underway to track the source of the narcotics and the network involved in trafficking. The authorities are continuing to target drug peddling activities in the region as part of their efforts to curb the illegal drug trade.