In a shocking turn of events, Varanasi police uncovered that the kingpin of a Rs43.5 lakh robbery gang was none other than one of their own officers. Suryaprakash Pandey, a sub-inspector in charge of the Nadesar outpost, was arrested on Wednesday after an investigation revealed that he had masterminded the robbery of a businessman on June 22.
The case came to light during a detailed investigation by the Special Operation Group (SOG) and the Ramnagar police team. Pandey, along with his accomplices Vikas Mishra and Ajay Gupta, was arrested, while other members of the gang, including Yogesh Pathak, Mukesh Dubey, and Nilesh Yadav, remain on the run.
According to Gaurav Banshwal, DCP (Crime Branch) of the Kashi Zone, and Neetu Kadyan, ADCP, the discovery has left the police department stunned, with the arrest of their own officer shocking the community. Further investigations are underway to capture the remaining gang members involved in the heist.