Delhi Police have arrested the seventh suspect allegedly involved in the Panchkula triple murder case, a crime that left three individuals dead on December 24. The arrested individual, identified as Jitesh aka Jitu (24), is now in custody and will undergo further interrogation in Panchkula to help identify the shooters and trace the involvement of all those behind this brutal crime.
The triple murder victims included Vinit Gehlot, alias Vicky Mitrau (29), a gangster from Najafgarh, Delhi, along with his nephew Tirath (17), and Vandana, alias Nia (22), from Uchana Kalan in Haryana’s Jind district. They were shot dead in what appears to have been a gang-related hit.
As part of their investigation, Delhi Police arrested seven individuals, all members of the Kapil Sangwan gang, which is allegedly behind the killings. Jitesh aka Jitu was reportedly involved in the reconnaissance of the area, which he conducted alongside another gang member, Vijay Kalu, in October 2024. Their task, as directed by Kapil Sangwan, was to survey the area to facilitate the execution of the murder.
The Panchkula police have sent a team to Delhi to bring Jitesh aka Jitu to Panchkula for further questioning as part of the ongoing investigation into this heinous crime.