Southeast Division Police have arrested a 26-year-old online marketing executive, Nitesh Yadav, for allegedly defrauding a free cash payment company and a group of students of Rs15.5 lakh by operating a fake coaching center. The arrest followed a thorough investigation into the scam.
Nitesh Yadav, who had experience in online marketing, used his knowledge to launch a fraudulent online coaching center. He promised students preparatory courses for professional and competitive exams. To make the operation seem legitimate, Yadav roped in five associates, who helped him register the fake coaching center and attract students with false claims of quality education and guaranteed success.
The scam came to light when students who had paid for the courses realized they received no real lessons or coaching. Additionally, the company that was supposed to facilitate free cash payments for the center was also defrauded. Yadav and his associates tricked victims into paying substantial sums, promising coaching and study materials that never materialized.
Following the filing of complaints, the police arrested Nitesh Yadav and are investigating the involvement of his five associates in the fraudulent scheme. Authorities are also working to track down the full extent of the scam and identify additional victims who may have been deceived by the fake promises of the coaching center.