In a significant breakthrough, the Bengaluru city police arrested seven individuals involved in the theft of mobile phones across the city. The police recovered a total of 208 stolen mobile phones valued at an estimated Rs28.7 lakh, solving multiple theft cases in the process.
In the first case, Naganuri Kumar (23) and Parashuram (21), both from Andhra Pradesh, were arrested by the police for stealing mobile phones from unsuspecting passengers traveling on buses. The duo used a tactic of diverting the attention of their victims to snatch the phones. After their arrest, the police recovered a total of 176 mobile phones, worth approximately ₹22.40 lakh, from their possession.
The police also seized their Toyota Etios car, which was allegedly used in the commission of the thefts. The arrest of Kumar and Parashuram led to the solving of three cases previously reported at the Upparpet police station in western Bengaluru.
In the second case, the Chandra Layout police arrested Mohammed Farooq (36), Syed Parvez (25), Rehman KT (31), Syed Zameer (26), and Syed Hasheem (46), all residents of Bengaluru. The case began on April 24, when a complainant reported that his Apple iPhone 14 Pro was snatched from him.
Using the ‘Find My Device’ app, the police traced the phone and identified Rehman KT as the suspect. Upon questioning, Rehman admitted to selling parts of the stolen phone, specifically the motherboard, at his mobile store. After this lead, the police arrested the remaining members of the gang.
From these arrests, the police recovered 32 mobile phones, including the snatched iPhone 14 Pro, valued at around ₹6.31 lakh. These arrests also led to the resolution of three theft cases registered at the Chandra Layout police station.