In a major breakthrough, the Maharashtra Police have dismantled a massive inter-state drug racket with links to the underworld, including connections to the notorious Dawood Ibrahim gang. The operation, led by the Mira Bhayander-Vasai Virar Police, resulted in the seizure of drugs and related items worth Rs 327.69 crore, including Mephedrone, raw materials, weapons, and cash from several states.
The racket, operating across Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, and Uttar Pradesh, was uncovered after a sustained investigation launched on May 15. The police intercepted two individuals in Vasai (Palghar) and seized 1 kg of Mephedrone worth Rs 2 crore. This led to the unraveling of a vast drug manufacturing and trafficking network spanning multiple states.
According to Madhukar Pandey, Commissioner of Police, Mira Bhayander-Vasai Virar, the investigation revealed that Mephedrone was being manufactured in various dens across Telangana and Uttar Pradesh, and then distributed through a network of associates. During the raids, police seized:
The investigation also led to the arrest of key figures linked to the racket: Shoaib H. Memon and Nicholas L. Tritus, Dayanand M. Mudanar, Nasir J. Shaikh, Ghanshyam R. Saroj, Babu Taufiq Khan, M. Nadim Shafiq Khan, Ahmed Shah F.S. Azmi, Amir Taufiq Khan, M. Shadab Shamshad Khan, Alok Virendra Singh, and Shubham Narendra Pratapsingh , Mohamed S. Moin,,Bharat S. Jadhav ,Murtuza M. Kothari
The police also arrested two Angadiyas, Mustafa Y. Furniturewala and Hussain M. Furniturewala, who were found to be transporting Rs 6.80 lakh sent by an absconder, Salim Dola, linked to the Dawood Ibrahim gang.
The operation marks a significant victory for law enforcement agencies in their fight against drug trafficking and the underworld. The seized drugs, raw materials, weapons, and cash demonstrate the scale of the operation, highlighting the well-organized nature of this multi-state syndicate.