Hollywood actor Michael Madsen, best known for his roles in Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill, was arrested early Sunday morning in Malibu on a domestic battery charge. Madsen, 66, was booked into the Malibu/Lost Hills Station at 1:40 a.m. on August 18, following a domestic disturbance report at a residence.
According to the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, officers were dispatched to the home at 12:15 a.m. after receiving a call about a family disturbance. The report indicated that a female adult claimed her husband, later identified as Madsen, had pushed her and locked her out of the house. Following an investigation, deputies determined that Madsen was involved in the incident, leading to his arrest for domestic battery.
Madsen was released from jail after posting a $20,000 bond. While the investigation continues, the case is expected to be forwarded to the Van Nuys Superior Court for further processing.
A domestic battery misdemeanor charge can result in various penalties, ranging from jail time to a stay-away order, depending on the circumstances and outcome of the case.
The actor has appeared in over 200 films throughout his career, often portraying tough characters like Mr. Blonde in Reservoir Dogs and Budd in Kill Bill. Madsen was most recently seen in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and the documentary QT8: The First Eight, which explores Tarantino’s career through interviews with his film stars.