Surat police arrested three individuals on Wednesday night for allegedly stealing antique items from farmhouses and weekend homes in the Dumas area. The accused, identified as Shaukat alias Shanker Rathod (43) and Sunil Rathod (21), both residents of Althan, and Tejas Rathod (30) from Umra village, were taken into custody after police recovered a number of stolen items.
The stolen goods included valuable antiques such as copper vessels, idols, and jewelry, which the police said were recovered from the suspects during their arrest. The thefts occurred across several farmhouses and weekend homes in the Dumas area, and the suspects are believed to have targeted these properties over a period of time.
The police are continuing their investigation into the case, and further details regarding the suspects’ methods and the extent of the thefts are expected to emerge in the coming days.